Japan (Tokyo) Club

Hey All,
I am visiting Tokyo in March and plan to visit rewind and wanted to know if there is anyone who could tell me if there are any clubs that meet often along with any contest that might be going on. Also if any people would like to meet up for a drink or dinner and yoyo that would be so cool!

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When I was there last week it seems like people show up when they open and just hangout and play yoyo. I also noticed that before they open often times there will be people waiting at the park on the other side of the tracks yoyoing. Both times I went to the shop there was multiple people hanging out, busting out tricks. It was super cool.

Also highly recommend checking out SpinGear. Great selection. It was sorta dead when I went, but I showed up at the end of the night.

Edit: Also wanted to add, if you’re into kendama at all there’s a cool Kendama shop about a 10 minute walk from Rewind called MESH.