did someone have a market analysis about this?
Tough times to be a seller on the bst. Only the best deals and most sought after throws are moving it seems.
People be broke yo.
This is so true
Global recession predictions based on BST activity with low values. I noticed new yo-yos have lost half there value.
But in all seriousness while I’m only familiar with US predictors while everyone is saying all is fine it sure doesn’t look fine. Also allot of trends from previous recessions taking place recently.
People keep buying what they can’t afford because fomo and other peer/social pressures.
GOTTA GET EVERY NEW OD/MFD/G2 DROP (even though they’re always. all. the. same.) because you know… If you’re not going broke supporting these guys, then clearly you’re not a fan and you can’t let your Internet friends down, can you?? /s
Who’s saying all is well? I think any American paying their own bills in the last 4 years would tell you otherwise, lol.
I meant economists, “experts”, bankers, traders, world leaders. Essentially everyone who had vested interest in the strong idea of perception is reality
Yeah it’s a bummer, I’ve had to resort to selling my untouchables and then even those are sitting. Tough times to be a seller. Meanwhile it’s like a buyers dream market. There’s so many amazing yo-yos for sale at insane prices rn. Wish I was on the other side for this one
Te BST has always been the more active topic on the forums I’ve been on - YYE, YoyoNation, TheYo.
Maybe it’s just a sign that more people are playing yoyo. More people playing and interested are listing stuff to bst. Sure extra supply will have prices lower generally but that seems good to me. Helps get yoyos into hands for cheaper.
That’s an optimistic approach. I see more folks getting into YoYo for sure. I don’t have numbers to support it just antidotes but it feels like much more interest in the hobby from folks asking me about it as I YoYo in public, to a spike in activity at club, to the new folks flooding into the Facebook, Reddit and forums these last few months.
Funny enough folks getting more interested in hobbies, gaming, sports, etc is also a sign of a recession. When people are worried or stressed from the day to day grind and lack of financial stability they tend to seek distractions. Even if those distractions cost more money compounding the issue because they are generally cheaper and more short sighted than the looming credit card payment or mortgage.
Also alcohol, gambling and drug use increases during times of global economic hardships.
People are silly that way.
Which seems so random to me. The “What did you get in the mail” thread is still super active, so people are obviously buying. Even during One July, that thread barely slowed down.
There’s always folks with expendable income even in an economic downturn. I’ve noticed the folks selling recently are often folks that aren’t usually super active on the forums.
I think you’ll find that the majority of the “what did you get in the mail” posts come from the same small group of forum members. I think it’s very telling that there is only a few sold out throws on the first 5 pages of the new releases on YYE and there appears to be hundreds of different available models right now. From what I see on the BST if it’s not crazy cheap or rare it just gets bumped forever.
Worlds also just happened so people may have either a) overspent on new stuff and need to recoup a bit to make up for it b) have bought new stuff that, having spent some time with them they aren’t that enamoured with anymore or c) after selling stuff so they can afford some of the new releases.
I don’t think the economy comes into play here. I think we like to buy new things - who doesn’t love a new mailday. And selling things usually happens with the items we don’t want anymore… and often those seem to be the ones others don’t want as well.
I’ve gotten half the yoyos I own via BST for some great deals. Keep the deals coming!!