If only I had learned from my mistakes

Which of his strings is your favorite? His regular blend doesn’t last quite as long as some others—I haven’t tried washing them or anything yet, so maybe I should try that. But I love his thin string for throws with more narrow gaps/aggressive response. And I just starting testing his pure nylon, which is winner. I should have got something other than black though… Love the look, picking knots not so much. It’s the perfect thickness for nylon though. Just a bit thinner than Airetics and similar stuff.

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I am really digging the Sliccs but have only tried the goldilocks so far. Samplers are on their way. The lifespan of the Sliccs impresses me. Took se breaking in, but mine are aging like a fine wine. Super soft after some play. I do like the poly-nylon but yeah, they do wear quicker.

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I’m ordering more… probably tomorrow :+1: The sliccs might be my favorite nylon. I need to try some I can see better though.

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Yeah, I have talked brighter colors with Michael. For now I am hoping that the white ones I have touring the US and A will work. Have only used cotton candy proto Sliccs so far and visibility wasn’t bad.

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Praying Mantis?

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I’ve only seen one of those and it was fairly small. It was very cool though.

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I’ve been watching this one for days. Then it kinda hid behind a downspout and layed a cocoon. looked it up and within 3-10 weeks babies will hatch from it. however the mother will die within 2 weeks. Its sad.

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Oh wow. How many babies will you get from one cocoon?

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My research says 100-300 but only a fifth of that will make it to adulthood.
That’s way more than I would’ve guessed. I would’ve guessed like 8.


Haha PM me a picture if you see them hatch.

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Ah, I can change it but got nervous🥺, was going to put all sold please delete
But that’s a stupid joke and it would ruin all our fun :joy:


@skitrz The latest in ski gear and fashion attire.


Haha! I actually have a very similar set of skis and poles as in the pic. (Before my time but I do own some oldies! lol)

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Those are very much like my first pair of skis, bindings and poles. :nauseated_face:



yo i forgot about this :fire:


:skull: :skull: :skull:


coincidence? i think not