Yeah I’ve heard of vendeta. But Alex would be cheaper because I know him. He might even ano it for string.

The Hectic already vibes. I think I figured out how to hubstack it on my own. I just need to go to Lowes or something when my dad gets home. I might even Z stack it! That would be sick!

OH MY GOSH!!! I HUBSTACKED MY HECTIC!!! :o The Z stacks made it have a weird heart beat but the hub stacks work just fine! Here’s a pic!

Man, youve got patience! I tried to do that to my FHZ, and I got soooooo bored, I cut the proccess short! good job, man!

That looks sick! You know, it’s not a Hectic anymore, really, so you should name it something awesome. It’s a tottally different yoyo.

Me and my ideas. Just kidding I bet you were looking before I posted. Well looks great, have fun with it!


I call it… The Perscription! Kinda goes well with the Sick String name.

I can tell it incresed the weight though. Allthough I like lighter yoyos, I still love The Perscription! If I ever make a yoyo company, I have dibs on the name Perscription Yoyos! ;D

You mean Prescription.

Lol Yeah! (And yet I wonder why I only have a C in English class.)

you should put up more pics, i want to see the whole thing in angles. good job with the whole thing.

Yeah. You’re going all out of this haha.