HSPIN, DUNCAN! Great deals!

ill give you a blue protostar and a part blue and yellow an part green and black pgm for the 888. the protostar has a couple dings but the pgm only has one.

No thanks.

i will give you a pgm and a protostar for your 888. the pgm is part green and part blue and the protostar is blue the protostar has a couple dings but the pgm only has one. but they both work like new.


ill throw in five bucks.

i want that 888 so bad. :frowning:

do you have cash?

only five bucks

Sorry, really looking for cash right now.


i got a red and black boss for your skyline
lots of scratches
shaved down scratches
not splash, red center black

Xconvict for fhz or g.5