How to CAD a yoyo

Does anyone know how to design a yoyo? I want to make one

here you go:
Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures - Yo-Yo Mods and Maintenance - YoYoExpert Forums

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This is a good place to start:

This is a good tutorial on yoyo design using FreeCAD:


Thanks so much!

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Does this work for 4a yoyos too? I don’t know if it matters or not

Yes but the hub will have to be press fit metal because 4a yo-yos are plastic.

This is a great thread. Thanks to everyone that is posting resources.

Well worth the bookmark.


You can find all of this and more here:


Fusion 360 - As with anything Autocad, it is EXPENSIVE! Only free for 30 days and then $80 per month minimum. :frowning:

Otherwise a great resource.

I use Onshape but you can use Fusion 360 for free.

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