ME WANT HATRICK! The first time I saw one being used (Samads videos) I automatically wanted one. I hope I will have enough money when they come out. Does anybody have a general idea of when they should come out?
At the DXL meet, I tried out the new Magnesium yoyo! It was awesome! It played like nothing I have ever played before. It was heavy and kinda gave a thunk when I threw it down but then when you did string tricks it played sooo light! It felt as if nothing on the string. Ernie was tring to make it the MG yoyo like a gigantic 5 Star! I asked him what is the point of using Magnesium? He said well, MG is really light, so I can add a ton of weight to the rims. (The yoyo has FAT rims) He also said it was gonna have a nickel finish.