"Honestly I dislike this thread now" Please close

we should sponsor him on the forum to get him out to contest
EDIT: serious idea


I’m not saying this to sound negative, but I think this mindset could be pretty harmful for you. I looked back at a trick you posted about a month ago and you seem to have the skill of a somewhat intermediate player. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, but putting such high expectations on yourself at that level is more likely than not just going to lead to disappointment. I would suggest going for smaller goals such as making finals at a regional contest or even getting on stage and competing for the first time. Once you accomplish those smaller goals, you can work toward bigger things and maybe even accomplish your ultimate goal of winning worlds!


with alot of support i think an intermediate yoyoer could train to win worlds.

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I do as well but doing that in 1 year is basically impossible. For example, Mir Kim went from getting 25th in the world at worlds 2019 to being the best player in the world by 2021. This took him 2 years to accomplish even with him already being one of the best players in the world. Having the expectation that you 100% without a doubt will win the biggest contest in yoyo in only a year just is not the greatest goal in my opinion.


I appreciate all of the support very much. @Phlox and @SR1 make some really good points here. They are definitely some things to keep in mind in a major way.

Honestly I dislike this thread now, however, because it’s getting away from my main objective, which is to win Worlds, and looking back a little I feel like this wasn’t the best way to go about that. It’s a bit showy and to be honest that just really isn’t me. Id like a moderator to please close this thread. So many thank yous to all of you.


While we’re still here…. What does your setup look like?

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Honestly good luck with your goal. I wish you best in your endeavor and look forward to seeing whatever you put up.


I would love to help you do better! I sent you a DM and for anyone else who want freestyle feedback and stuff like that shoot me a DM and ill see what i can do for you.


I could use some help :wink:


Shhhh, let him cook