
I’m bored, somebody make me laugh. :slight_smile:

That will just give me nightmares. You do not want to hear my Elmo stories.

Just check this out:

Yes, yes we do…

Picture waking up in the middle of the night staring right into the face of a singing elmo in a chicken costume doll at about 2am after having a nightmare about the end of the world.

That’s not even close to all of the stories. It’s not even all of the stories involving that particular doll.

hey zorro i have a way to make you laugh…

Go into the bathroom.

stand in front of the sink…

and look into the mirror…

works for me every time and can be very therapeutic.

Did it and nearly wet my pants. I was unaware that my brother was hiding in the shower without the water running and when his face was looking back at me I nearly died. :smiley: :smiley:

i would done the same thing…

I just died.