GNYoyoCoNews: Official Phoenix Review!

Zorro hopefully this goes well and you don’t end up destroying whats left of your reputation on this.

One step forward, two steps back Zorro. You’re selling cheap knockoff konkave bearings that you bought in bulk from China. Are you aware of the patent on the konkave bearing design in yo-yos?

Please do not post further about these or I will have to take down your “company” thread.

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No, I am not aware of this patent. Please tell me more.

Here. Learn something:


zorro did you even think to look at this before you tried selling them on your site and on facebook.

you might have saved yourself if you had read it, but what you just did is illegal and Frank should he want to could order a cease and desist and ruin your start up wanna be company.

Honestly this company is going nowhere fast and has a bad track record of doing dumb crap that makes them look worse and worse.

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He’s not gonna use those concaves anymore…

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no he isn’t because he just sold all of them on his website…

He’s putting JD Whipple bearings in his yoyos. That’s all I know.

This is correct! Thanks to JD, we will be using Whipple bearings in the Phoenixes (with permission from JD).

If anyone wants more information on the Phoenixes:

Again, we are having delays! The anodizers ran into problems with their equipment and shipping will be delayed. To make matters worse, I am unavailable for a drop on my previously chosen date due to something that has suddenly come up.
Therefore, the release dates are being pushed into the following week.
I sincerely apologize for this terrible turn of events, but there is no way around it.
For information on actual dates for release, check our Facebook page.
Thanks and sorry,

The first run Phoenixes are here! Both A-grades and b-grades will be available on our shop soon. That is all I can say here.

hopefully you can get yourself out of the hole your in with these…

I like the green, although I haven’t heard the best of reviews

That’s the idea

Reviews on the yoyo or reviews on me?

Buggot ignore them and give gn a chance.

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Why ignore? I’ve got to do my research before I spend so much money on a yoyo

At some point you need to realize that YOU are the most important part of your company. You make or break your own success through your own actions. A great yoyo won’t make up for a bad rep (earned or unearned).

The yoyos look awesome, but they won’t make people forget the drama that unfortunately surrounds you.

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i have to say that I wasn’t sure what to expect. Those look pretty slick Zorro.

Nice work.
