FT/FS Anti-Yo Eetsit(unopened in box!) and YYF 888x

Everything has been Traded! Only leaving up for archive purposes only.

Only 1 Eetsit remains, and it is a brand new unopened one. It is going to take a lot of convincing for me to sell/trade this one, so make your offers good, and please, no low balling. If you really want the Eetsit, 2 mint in box CLYW’s, depending on which models, would do the trick :wink:

The Eetsit was traded for 3 CLYW’s :smiley: I am very happy!

I also just added an Anti-Yo Business, and 888x (Pics below) both are very smooth and in good condition minus a couple of minor cosmetic blemishes.

note: pictures below reflect the opened eetsit that I had, but that one has been sold, and in the 3rd picture down is the unopened box you will receive.

If you want to pay cash, Anti-Yo Business is $55, 888x is $75 $65 traded! for OD Dietz


WANTS: CLYW’s, and One Drop’s, and possibly other throws in mint condition.

IMAG0124 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0129 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0128 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0127 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0126 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0125 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0175 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0174 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0173 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0179 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0177 by g3nji, on Flickr

IMAG0176 by g3nji, on Flickr

One Eetsit has been sold already! The only one I have left is the mint in box one, and for me to sell it is going to take a bit of convincing. So, do your best to convince me that you want an non-opened super duper mint Eetsit!

Free bump…it was fun chatting to you :wink:



Bumped, and also added a few more throws for sale/trade.

bump! added pricing as well

super bump!


The Anti-Yo Business has been traded, and is no longer available. I also just received a One Drop Cafe Racer 1/20 colorway, and may possibly be putting that up for trade in the next day or two depending on how I like it.


The Anti-Yo Eetsit is currently Pending. I also just aquired a Chico Yo Flyer (with konkave bearing) and a 1/20 colorway One Drop Cafe Racer that will be going up later tonight/early tomorrow. Also, $10 dollar price drop on the 888x. New Price for 888x shipped is $65.

The new Eetsit was traded for a Rockabully Gnarwhal, Wooly Marmot, and Campfire :slight_smile: