Retic Death Adder, red with brass rims no marks, smooth $65
Sense Yoyo Anti-Mono no marks, tiniest bit of fingernail vibe. $40
Yoyofactory 45 no marks, smooth, no box but I can find you one if you want. $20
Duncan Orbital GTX2 No marks, smooth $55
Punk rainbox with box and spikeball. No marks, smooth $45
On trades. Looking for
Graviton:y in withe blue purple or blue grey colours.
Anything Enso
Interested in certain OneDrop models
Possibly other things.
Klondike, blue gold splash with blue rims, no marks, basically new, smooth. $100 TRADED
Gway Refractory no marks, smooth $40 SOLD
C3 x Magicyoyo Vapormotion a single mark, smooth $40 SOLD
RCS Deluge, no box, no marks, smooth $50 SOLD!
Yeah the forum has been having a lot of issues, recently there were issues loading the server, turns out they were trying to fix an issue related to pictures not loading and uh… messed up along the way.