FS: Price Drop - Shutter OG Spec

MIB - G2/A-RT LIFE - $190 $170. Sold
MIB - YoYoFriends Hummingbird - $130 $120 Sold
MIB - YYF OG Spec Shutter - $40 $35
All prices are shipped CONUS, G&S included.

In case you’re wondering… The LIFE is going b/c I landed a clear B7 and they play very similar. The hummingbird is being replaced by my new Sigtyr and the OG shutter is a multiple. I love each one of these throws but they are overflow at this point in my collection. I think they all need good homes.



Bump for a price drop…

The Life has been sold.


This Hummingbird is so nice… who wants it? Definitely plays outside my skill level! :slight_smile:

Hummingbird is sold.

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