FS: Mk1 Ringbearer, Unprld, YJ-Yoyo, and More!

All yoyos are NMTBS, can provide more pics upon request, and discounts for multiples, DM me for more details! Prices include shipping to the U.S only.

First Row:
Unprld Recognition - $30
YJ-YoYo Aries - $80
Yoyofriends Sync - $25
Unprld Coglite - $80

Second Row:
Unprld Recognition - $30
Unprld Elevation (Polished Scales Edition) - $30
Topyo Silenus - $20 (SOLD)
MK1 Ringbearer - $80 (SOLD)


Edit: Silenus sold, but everything else still available!

But there are more than 7 there are 8?

Pm’d you, the 8th yoyo (Silenus) got sold yesterday morning

Edit: Ringbearer sold! Everything else still available