FS legendary terrarian-Dragon slayer mint, OD benchmark O- splash mint

This post is mainly for the LT.

I was hoping not to have to sell the benchmark O.

I recently traded got super lucky in acquiring these via trade. And I never thought I’d have to sell them so fast but we are still a very long way off from being able to cover my mom’s funeral. The guy originally wanted $180 for the benchmark. I didn’t even know what it was at first I just knew I had to have it. And now that I’ve played it I understand the price. That thing is elite.

The LT- $95

Benchmark O- $160

If anyone is crazy enough to pay that.

Definitely willing to listen to offers.


I couldn’t take one of those from you so I donated the price of the LT to your gofundme.


Omg :scream: wow that’s the most generous thing! Thank u so much! U have no idea how much that means to me! If u ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask! :pray::green_heart:

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