September 22, 2024, 12:12am
Shipping and G&S is included for ConUS. Paypal only. YYE Feedback
Please feel free to ask me for more photos or questions on any of the yoyos. Prices are negotiable.
On the Menu
BUNDLE- Playmaxx Turbo Bumble Bee GT and Hyper Yo-yo Proyo II Hyper Wasp - $100
These are in very decent condition and playable. Cork pads are fresh.
G2 Loadout - Mariana's Depths - Mint with box- $90
Motion Harmonic - Dark side of the Moon - Mint with Box, never thrown - $120
Freshly Dirty Mod44 - Black with 3 sets of rings - Near Mint - $65 OBO
One Drop Deep State - Bape Swap w/grey micro caps - Mint with Box - $55
GWAY Ixion - Fuschia w matte black rims - Gently Used, ano flaws - keeping
Good Life Gulch - Amber - Gently Used - $30
Yoyofactory Shutter - Black - Gently Used -$30
Turnbuckle Tiger Driver - Champion Gold - Gently used - $30
Jigun Aibou - Powder Blue - Used- $25
YoyoFactory Loop720 - Orange/blue - Near Mint - $20
*MagicYoyo K2p and V6 Beginner Kit - Used - $20
Selling my starter yoyos that I outgrew quickly. Perfect for someone on a budget and wanting to see if yoyoing is for you. Comes with bearings to switch both from unresponsive to responsive, new strings, case and fixed axle.
Pair of Duncan Speed Beetles - USED - Free with purchase or $5 to pay for Shipping
Looking to trade multiples for:
Dreamcraft Asora post type 03 in light green
Mile High Gnometrooper
A-rt Grail, inhaler, 4hunna in purple, red, or gold/yellow
Recess Firecracker - Spaceloot - $40 SOLD
Duncan Flying Monkey - $10 add on SOLD
Werrd XXXXL - Blue/Purple half swap - Used, See pics - $40 SOLD
TRADED - G2 Respawn X- Green Monster- Mint
Thanks for stopping by!
October 1, 2024, 8:08pm
October Bump and Price Drops!
October 16, 2024, 5:03pm
Hump day bump with a cleaner sale page and new throws that need to go!
October 19, 2024, 5:32pm
weekend bump with price drops!
November 29, 2024, 5:11am
Bump, 10% off all yoyos and buy one get one for 20% off. Only through this Sunday 12/1/2024 at 9pm pst.
December 24, 2024, 6:07pm
Happy Crismin Eve bump. Responsive Bundle Added.