🗣 fs/ft: clyw, tp, w1ld

Prices excluding shipping (from Canada, usually around $15 to the US), Left to right, up to down:

  • Wildless ~ nmtbs (personally can’t find any marks on the polished side rims): $55
  • Creep ~ No damage, slight oxidation on the last two letters of the “THE END.” logo, comes with box: $70 - $old
  • Hinemosu (Mystery Box limited edition): No damage, the matte titanium rims seems to slightly change color after touch: $180
  • BvM (Bear VS. Man)(Shark VS. Zombie Beaver edition): A few minor marks: $old
  • Peak 2: Mint with box: $70 - On hold

Trade interests:

  • CLYW - 28s BvM
  • OD - Kuntosh 5000QV, Legendary Terrarian, Parlay, Panorama, Diorama
  • AnY Yo - Miroc
  • Crucial - Cream, Heavy Cream
  • General Yo - Hatrick
  • B!ST - Any weird yoyos
  • SPYY - Pure
  • ILYY - Phase (newer version with round nipples and white coating)
  • YYJ - Dark magic

Pics of the damages on the BvM:


Update: Peak 2 on hold


bump, starting to rethink about letting this go

Update: Peak 2 back up for sale, buyer seems to have losen interest in the Peak 2 as four days has passed since the promised pay date and he seems reluctant to reply to my messages


Update: BvM sold


Update: Creep on hold

update: creep sold

Update: Peak 2 on hold

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