FS/FT: 7075 Super G, 2012 Severe, Equilateral, C3 Di Base, Halo+more! LF: PEAKS!

Mainly looking for cash, but offer anything. Please offer, the worst I can do is say no!

YYF Equilateral-One side has vibe, but it’s mint-Offer
YYF Raw 7075 Super G, picked this up at 2012 Worlds-Just machining marks-Offer
Delrin 2012 Severe-Mint, Offer
C3yoyodesign Di Base, blue-A lot of rim damage. Nothing deep, Offer
C3yoyodesign Halo, pink hubs-Mint, $45
YYJ Next Level, black, no caps-Mint, small tunable vibe, Offer TRADED for RecRev @ and cash[/s]
AG, green acid wash-Minor rim damage, Offer SOLD
AG, blue/raw-MIB, $60 SOLD
Super G-Mint, $60 SOLD
G-Funk-Mint, $55 TRADED with RecRev @ for GeneralYo M10
Genesis-Has 2 small marks, $60 TRADED for a RecRev Octave 3
G5-MINOR rim damage, just a bunch of pinpricks, $40 SOLD
H.O.T.- Offer TRADED for a VsNYYC Skywalker
Supernova, Red/Yellow Acid Wash SOLD
Skywalker-Pinpricks, small vibe-Offer SOLD
RecRev Octave 3, one nick-$45 SOLD
RecRev @, nickel plated with a little vibe but mint-Offer TRADED with YYF G-Funk


MONEY: it will take priority over pretty much anything.


I’d love an Elliot Jackson Peak

Basically ANYTHING in Ash Berry or a colourway similar to Ash Berry. Same goes for the Harrison Hurricane colourway.

Solid Gold Blasted BvM2
Blue with Purple Maple Drip Peak(can be FG)
First Run and Third Run Peaks****
2nd Run Peaks
Levi Painted Peaks
Raw Peaks
A raw version of any Return Top that isn’t in Ash Berry, specifically discontinued CLYW
ODxCLYW Ash Berry Summit
BvM2s(Specifically Harrison Hurricane or BBB)
Sasquatches, BvMs, Wooly Marmots, Bassalopes, box preferred
CLYWxOneDrop Wooly Markmont
Coloured Yetis(purple would be preffered)
Arctic Circle: Second Expedition
Puffin 2
Gnarwhal 2
Pretty much anything CLYW!

One Drop:
ODxCLYW Ash Berry Summit
ODxCLYW Wooly MarkMont

Smooth Diamondback





Mr. Butcher*

G Squared:
Triton(Big Bang, Nickel Plated, or Freedom?)
Quake(Berries and Cream?)

OG Octave
Delrin Octave 3
Silly Goose**


Blasted Shutter, preferably gold

Maple Drip anything

I really want a Galactic Goose BOX

Non-YoYo Related Wants:

Pokemon EDITION Gameboy Color(also looking for Pokemon games for the Gameboy)

Olloclip CPL+Telephoto Lenses

Canon EOS Rebel T3i

CLYW Kendama

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Bump! LF CLYW Boxes, especially a Galactic Goose box

hey i willing to offer 40-55 dollars for the super g… i really been looking for one

How much for the Equilateral? ???

Or the H.O.T? How do they spin?

Pm me :slight_smile:

Bump! Please, offer anything!!!

Le bump. Genesis coming in the mail

Bump! Please bring me a Peak.

Bump! Shadow Super G sold to Zammy.

I want the blue aavant garde. Would you take 50 for it?

How much would you like for the super g. maybe we can work out a deal

The current offer I have is $100 but I’m waiting on the guy to get the money so I have the Super G up there incase someone offers higher than that. I will also do trades but chances are if it’s not on my wants list, I don’t want it.

Here’s a nice peak:

Back from worlds! Bump!

Bump! Sorry if I haven’t responded to your message yet, I have a lot to respond to since I was gone for a month.