FS: C3, CLYW, One Drop, & G2

Some throws for sale! PayPal F&F preferred but will do G&S if you cover fees. Add $6 for shipping.

Let’s try getting rid of these in cheap bundles!

C3 YoYo Hydrogen Crash, YJYoyo Monories, & Magic YoYo - 3 yo-yos for $85

One Drop Thorn, One Drop Gauntlet, & Duncan Dragonfly - 3 yo-yos for $75

G2 AL7 Mongoose, & G2 Respawn Lite - 2 yo-yos for $90

Still willing to sell individually, but would rather sell in bundles to get them gone!

Top Row:

C3 YoYo Hydrogen Crash, MIB $70

Second Row:

One Drop Thorn, Shadowkat, MIB $50

One Drop Gauntlet, Hairband, MIB $55

Third Row:

G2 AL7 Mongoose, blue/green fade, MIB $70

G2 Respawn Lite, purple, 2 scuffs that don’t break ano, w/ box (damage shown in photo) $65

Fourth Row:

YJYoyo Monories, black one pinprick, w/ box (damage shown in photo) $55

MagicYoYo Y03 Hertz, blue, mint no box $10

Duncan Dragonfly, mint no box $10

Feel free to make an offer or ask for more photos. Thanks!


PM’d! :crossed_fingers:

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Bump, I’ll make someone some deals on what’s left!


Cleaned up the post and made bundle deals!

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Shoot me an offer!


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