For sale: Most of my collection

Selling most of my collection from 2022-ish since I’m no longer playing.

These will be shipped from Singapore; I may be inclined to cover the shipping costs if the order is above $100.

Name Condition Asking Price (USD) Remarks
Atmos Ari NMTBS $250 Sold
Luftwerk Ti Executive NMTBS $200
YYFr x DP Alliance NMTBS $180
Antithesis NMTBS $200 Sold
YYF Catch-22 (Ti) Lightly used $100 Sold
Onedrop VTWO Mint $80
Onedrop Valor (Yellow) Mint $80
Onedrop Valor (Blue) Lightly used $70
SF+OD SK Mint $70
YYR SYFO Mint $50
UNPRLD Cognition Mint $50

Previous post for rep check: Feedback for arknia


Bump with revised prices

Bump again