EYYC is coming back to Prague, again in hands of Korda and Sheda, organisers of EYYC 2010, 2011, 2012 and WYYC 2014!

It will return to Archa theathre, that you might remember from WYYC 2014.

Much more fitting 2 day format is also coming back!

For now, here is Facebook event, website will be opened later.


EYYC 2016 aka Return of the Czech-King (Vashek! Vashek! Vashek!)

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Yes, after his pause, Vashek is starting to get back into competing shape. Czech nationals didn’t work out so well, so let’s see how will do 5 months later :slight_smile:

Yep, slowly and steadily getting back into his form!

Can’t wait, I already booked a room in Prague near Archa … :slight_smile: :wink:

Great, see you there :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to meet some throwers, will be my first big event :slight_smile:

Official website for EYYC 2016 is up. All basic info is posted, including round structures.
Registration will be opened soon.


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I had a great time in Prague, there were a lot of great performances on eyyc, here are some performances I enjoyed most…

…check out other eyyc 2016 videos, if you haven’t already, there is lots of fun stuff there…