do contests need to change their scoring system?

so while watching U.S. nationals i noticed a lot of great performances and some crazy technical routines. with that said once again Gentry won nationals with what seems like the same kind of routine he has used in the past. I am really getting tired of seeing people do the same speed combos to get some cheap points. Do you guys think its time to reevaluate the scoring system?

Gentry’s style scores lots of points. He cares more about winning. Evan had the best performance
The crowd was going wild. He was not trying to win. I only find contests with people like that really interesting.

It wouldn’t be fair to change an entire system to get change from one guy. Gentry is clearly good at what he does, there’s no need to deviate from that. To me it was risk enough doing it on a sub-$20 throw.

Evan did an amazing awesome job. One of the best performances I’ve seen. Had the entire crowd on their feet clapping and cheering for him after his routine. It was just amazing.

I think they need to give more points to originality, difficulty, and performance. It’s great having 60% being tech points, but I think it would encourage players to try more original and difficult stuff on stage which would make contests even more entertaining.

hey Colby, I didn’t say hi but I was sitting a few seats down from you on the right with my little brother during 3a and contests results

It’s alright, would of been great to meet you. I hope you enjoyed the contest as much I did. Crazy drive up and back though. But I would have to say totally worth it. Had such an amazing time. Was nice to meet alot of people on here. Wish I could of handed out a few more samples of the string I had with me. But all in all. I had an amazing time. It even took my mind off the fact I have kidney failure and have dialysis tomorrow. So really sad its over.

How do you score originality, difficulty, performance and how do you score it fairly. Those are all very subjective and judging is difficult as it is. Please explain your ideas on scoring originality, difficulty and performance.

Originality, difficulty and performance definitely make or break a routine from the spectators perspective and if judging those things accurately were possible it would be beneficial. I just don’t know that there is a way. The people that judge and set up contests care about those things but a competition needs to be based on some stringent criteria in order to promote fairness.

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Well, heavily judging based on those characteristics is what I’d like to see in a perfect world, so I really don’t have a solid way to go about it. For the most part though, I feel like you could take a look at a freestyle and rather than giving a point for various string hits, give them different weights. For example: I think hitting something like Kamikaze in a freestyle should be given much less weight than some ridiculously hard suicide or tech combo someone does. Or on the other hand, I feel like someone should be rewarded more if they take a few seconds in between combos to really get the crowd hyped up. Sure you can get some points for this right now, but the amount is really limited. I think throwers like evan nagao should at least get some extra weight for performance since it takes skill to figure out how to hype an audience up and it makes the freestyle more exciting, which is always better. I really don’t have a solid way to judge it, I just think it’s something to consider in the future.

nothing needs to be changed except for opinions

Yep, as Skirtz said, the problem lies in the fairness of the competition. To be fair, it has to be judged as objectively as possible, which means the tricks must be somehow quantified.
If you have been around for a while you might remember me posting a thread about originality and all that. I agree completely that originality should be a big part of the scoring, the bigger problem however, is how you can “score” originality fairly. For example, judges are different people, they saw different freestyles throughout their life, heck they might be from different parts of the world separating the background difference further. Maybe judge A think that certain player are original and rare while the others may not. Practically to be fair, every judge must watch literally every single video and every single freestyle ever existed, and only by then they will be able to judge originality fairly. You can’t just decide this person is original and that one is not, only by “feel” with no solid basis.

tl;dr, I agree that originality and such must be a good part of the scoring system, but there is no fair way as of yet in which we can score originality fairly. Until then the current scoring system is good and served its purpose.

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This is more or less how the tech score works now. Difficulty is a major component of judging how many points to click each element.

Yup, that’s how it works now

Reference the “Showmanship” and possibly “Body Control” and “Space Use” PEvs.


I’m not saying this stuff doesn’t exist right now, but I feel like it should be given more weight than it has. Look at players like evan nagao and gentry stein. They both have incredible performances, hitting music cues, and getting the audience hyped up in general. Right now, these aspects are extremely underrated in the scoring system and I think it would help to make contests more exciting to watch if we put more weight in these categories, because more players would focus on the performance aspect rather than standing up there and doing heavy tech without even looking at the crowd. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing super difficult freestyles, but if the performance categories had more weight, I think it would bring the freestyle scene to a whole new level.

Just a thought. If performance had more “weight” in the scoring, I don’t doubt you’d see people complaining that super difficult stuff wasn’t getting rewarded enough.

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It would be cool if there were a “performance” category kind of like that “cops and robbers” routine that someone did in Japan. Or if there were more groups like Shaqler out there.

There is, it’s called “Artistic Performance” division or AP in short.

Or 44clash