DNA vs Pistolero 2

Is the DNA or Pistolero 2 better? ??? ??? ???

um there discontinuing the dna and pisterolla was taken off the sight

They still have DNA in stock and Pistolero 2 is avaliable at theyostore.com

wow i am the first to say this for once but


people may prefer different things

I preffer yoyos with wide gaps and not too heavy or light. I also like yo-yos that are good at grinding with long sleep times.

I would go with the DNA in that case. The Pistolero is not a very good grinder. The DNA is beadblasted and allows for very good grinds.

DNA no doubt.

both are fine yoyos but, the pistolero is my go to “luxury” yoyo and has solidified itself as my favourite non duncan yoyo. I have a lot of yoyos and for some reason it has felt like a second home ever since i got it.

nothing like having something to go to when i am yoyoing for me and only me.

thanks guys ;D ;D ;D