Can you guys do me a favor? I want you do post every chopsticks vieo you see on the internet! It could a tutorial or just plain out chopstick tricks(yoyo related of course) thanks for all your help!


Here you go:

Happy Throwing! =]

You forgot mine starscream

I think that’s all of them!  Samad your turn!


I went for Vimeo. :wink:
YouTube Version:

I think you have to do like [vimeo]CODE[vimeo/] or somthing but, I thought YoYoExpert had auto embed?

Don’t worry Kim Lan, I had a problem to when I tried to encode the Mark Montgomery vid, but it eventually worked. You just have to add www. in front of it. ;D

Nope, didn’t work. Doesn’t matter that much anyways. They show up on the preview and stuff just not on the actual page.

Well Steven, He saw it already, lol.

Happy Throwing! =]

here are two off of the top of my head:

I had a few tuts hosted, but the server where I had them hosted is apparently no more.