Charlie - Leukemia update 7/10/24

Hey Joe. I just thought about y’all and wanted to see how Charlie and your girls doing?


@TommyBwell Thanks for checking in on Charlie and his big sister! :smiley:

Charlie is finishing up week 3 of 4 in the ‘induction’ phase of his chemo treatment. Some of the meds have made him sick to his stomach, others make him hungry and irritable. Overall he’s doing good, given the situation.

Chloe is doing great with everything, she’s an awesome big sister. We are trying our best to keep her life as normal as possible.

Just trying to take it one time day at a time!!!


He looks great. Maybe a bit pale. I know its hard on all of you.
So after the induction phase what is the next step?


He is a fine looking young man. Here’s to his courage and strength.


The next stage is called the ‘consolidation’ phase. It will bring on a whole new set of challenges…

His chemo treatments are going to last about 3 years. We are told the first year is going to be more intensive and the treatments will slow down and be easier after that.

We are still pretty early in the journey and are learning more each day!


Hope that charlie stays well!


It’s great to hear he’s doing better and responding to the treatments. I can’t imagine going through that, I feel for you and the family.
Kids are tough though, he’ll bounce back when it’s all done.
Best of luck to you all.



Update 7/10/24

It’s been a while since the last update…Here’s where we are currently at.

It’s been almost 4 months now and Charlie is at the tail end of the ‘consolidation’ phase of treatments. It has been tough, to say the least. Lots of driving, hospital visits and drug/side effects…

One of the many drugs he has to take is called ‘6-mp’. It’s a strong drug in his chemo treatment that basically destroys his immune system (amongst other things). He has needed blood/platelet transfusions a few times a week. He’s still physically weak, has slowed down a lot and lost most of his hair. (We can’t bring ourselves to shave the rest of it…)

Since he has a compromised immune system if he gets a fever, it is treated as a life-threatening emergency. Unfortunately, he got a fever last week and was admitted to the hospital. We were told at the beginning that there was a chance this might happen and that we should have our overnight bags packed with us at all times. The doctors are keeping a close eye on him because the fever keeps coming back and he’s also had some other symptoms pop up. (nothing the docs are overly concerned about.)

His bloodwork ‘numbers’ are still low and he won’t be discharged until they come up. There’s no telling how long that is going to take. It could be a few days or a few weeks.

Charlie is such an amazing, friendly and funny kid…it’s heartbreaking seeing him go through this. But, he is still on his long road to recovery! :muscle:

I can’t say it enough…We are so lucky to have an amazing support system of family/friends/colleagues and the best doctors/nurses you can ask for.

Trying to stay positive!


So sorry that your family has to g through all this. I pray for a good outcome.


It is indeed very heartbreaking. It’s so nice to see him smile though.


Bud if there’s ANYTHING you need from us please let us know


Thoughts and prayers! He sounds like a tough little guy!


Little guy had a truck full of popcorn. All he needs is a baseball helmet full of ice cream!

All the best from my family to yours. Dude seems like a trooper with that smile on his face.


Man… you, your family and especially Charlie are so strong. I’m sorry you all have to face this, but guys seem to be powering through beautifully. Sending love and keeping you in my thoughts :heart::heart::heart:


kudos to you and your wife for staying so strong while your baby is going through such a rough time. It sucks so mcuh to hear what he’s going through, but seeing the photo of him smiling with his sister is inspiring, he’s clearly a strong willed and happy child thanks to you and your wife <3. sending you and your family a lot of love, joe <3


Thank you for the update. Prayers are still heading up for Charlie and you.


“Hospitals really are the worst.”
I beg to differ Sir, Hospitals are full of “Angelic Spirits” as care takers for Society’s healthcare system.

I’ve been in and out of hospitals for 30 years now dealing with a gross disability, yet there isn’t a time I drive by a hospital and give thanks and prayer to all of America’s caretakers as modern Angels.

Show hospital staff more appreciation:)

I’m empathetic towards Yo’Family’s plight Joe77.
What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

Get Well Charlie…God Speed~


Joe, I’m so happy to have met you in person at club once and it’s good to hear your son is getting toward the end of this grueling treatment. Those drugs are no fun and take such a toll on the body I’m rooting for a quick recovery for Charlie and hope your family all the best while you support him in his journey to remission.


All of my prayers and thoughts. This must be the worst thing a family must go through.

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Hope he continues to recover :purple_heart::heart: