Charlie - Leukemia update 7/10/24

This Forum has felt like a safe haven. It’s filled with friendly, thoughtful people and I felt the need to share this news with all of you…

Our life was disrupted 10 days ago when we were sent to the ER. Our little boy Charlie had swollen lymph nodes and pain in his leg bad enough that he couldn’t walk or put any pressure on it. After a few days of numerous Ultra sounds, x-ray, Cat scan, Mri, biopsies and seemingly endless bloodwork, we found out that our sweet, funny and previously healthy son was sick. He was diagnosed with Leukemia. Words can not describe how sad/surprised/heartbroken we are. Still can’t believe it…

I’ve never experienced this feeling in my life. It’s honestly a feeling that can’t be described. How is it even possible that our previously healthy and happy little man was running around playing with his friends last week…now he has cancer???

Things have moved along quickly during this hospital visit. Charlie is on day three of Chemotherapy and we are hopefully going home tomorrow.

He has a long road to recovery but he is a strong kid and will fight this.

We are not super religious but, at this point, asking for as many thoughts and prayers as we can get.


Update 4/1/24
We have been home a week today and wanted to give everyone a quick update.

The initial shock of the diagnoses has worn off. We are happy to be out of the hospital and are enjoying the comforts of home.

Charlie is a trooper! He is on Day 11 of his chemo treatments. He is noticeably weak and tired but he is in good spirits (most of the time!) It’s great to see him playing and hanging out with his big sister again.

Not going to lie, Charlie has been through the wringer the past few weeks and it’s been extremely difficult for us as parents. I have relayed all the msg’s from here to my family, all your kind words have meant a lot to us. We are really lucky to have a big support network of friends/family to lean on. Thank you!

Update 7/10/24

It’s been a while since the last update…Here’s where we are currently at.

It’s been almost 4 months now and Charlie is at the tail end of the ‘consolidation’ phase of treatments. It has been tough, to say the least. Lots of driving, hospital visits and drug/side effects…

One of the many drugs he has to take is called ‘6-mp’. It’s a strong drug in his chemo treatment that basically destroys his immune system (amongst other things). He has needed blood/platelet transfusions a few times a week. He’s still physically weak, has slowed down a lot and lost most of his hair. (We can’t bring ourselves to shave the rest of it…)

Since he has a compromised immune system if he gets a fever, it is treated as a life-threatening emergency. Unfortunately, he got a fever last week and was admitted to the hospital. We were told at the beginning that there was a chance this might happen and that we should have our overnight bags packed with us at all times. The doctors are keeping a close eye on him because the fever keeps coming back and he’s also had some other symptoms pop up. (nothing the docs are overly concerned about.)

His bloodwork ‘numbers’ are still low and he won’t be discharged until they come up. There’s no telling how long that is going to take. It could be a few days or a few weeks.

Charlie is such an amazing, friendly and funny kid…it’s heartbreaking seeing him go through this. But, he is still on his long road to recovery! :muscle:

I can’t say it enough…We are so lucky to have an amazing support system of family/friends/colleagues and the best doctors/nurses you can ask for.

Trying to stay positive!


Oh my god that’s absolutely heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for you and your family and will keep y’all in my thoughts and prayers.


I couldn’t imagine. Something like that with my kids would be such a hard time. I wish your family all the strength and whatever the best outcome that can come.

I really have no words for how this makes me feel and how much fear and pain I would be in in this situation. Your family will be in our prayers


Im so sorry to hear this. I hope your son and family can get throught this hard time.


When our kids hurt we pay for it1,000 fold. Its awesome that you aren’t too strong to ask for help. I’ll be praying for Charlie and you too Joe, if you want to share your wife and beautiful daughters names I know they are suffering too.


Very sorry to hear this Joe. Horrible disease and to hear your baby has it is terrible news. Wish you and family the strength to fight this


Thank you! Caitee (mom). Chloe (7yrs old) and Charlie (3yrs old)

We are the Michael family. :family_man_woman_girl_boy:


My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 5, that was 8 years ago now. I know how you feel. Cancer research and treatment has come along way, and the success rate in treating it is very very high. I wish your family all the luck in the world and I want you to know that you’re not alone.


My heart :pleading_face: I’m so sorry dude. Sending love to you and your family. I dread this. You and your little man and his siblings and mama are so very strong, but especially the little man. You’ve made it this far. I would be falling apart. My inbox is open for anything.


Man I am very sorry for the challenge your little one, your family and you have to face. I have you all in my thoughts, be strong guys. Hugs.


Brother your in our prayers. There’s been a lot of misery of late We all need to think of our fellow man and help where we can. God Bless Sir.


You and yours are in my thoughts. I can’t even imagine…


We’ll wrap them up!!


That is so rough to hear and I will absolutely be thinking about you, your son, and your family. Hoping the chemotherapy is effective and that he comes through this fight stronger than ever.


You got my prayers and I’ll get a ton of others praying too :heart:


Nothing makes a parent feel as helpless as a sick child. My nephew was diagnosed with leukemia right before his 2nd birthday. Its been a long road since then but he just turned 11 in January. Leukemia is beatable and your son is going to beat it. Believe it. I will be praying for Charlie as well as you and momma.


Im so sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers!


Hi Joe. We will be thinking of Charlie tonight as we’re sitting down to dinner. We will be think of you all. Stay strong my friend.


sending thoughts and prayers, although i wish i could do more.


I have kids. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Prayers up for you all!