Sick! Loved it. Great trick and the dance was so smooth.
Nice tricks man, I wish I could afford a CLYW throw!
Classy, smooth, Team CLYW worthy.
But you goin be callin me classy when you see the dance im working up for my next video. Call me a copy cat but you’re getting views… Gnarwhal Test #1 coming December 31st
So we’re doing a dance thing now? Maybe I’ll work up a little something…
Oh you’re on.
Oh you guys are all going down! Chief test coming up = dance (Great job again Coleman!)
Hahaha Sweet! Ya’ll will have to send them to me!
Code 2 test #1 is coming January 1st!
what song is in this and sweet video!

what song is in this and sweet video!
Theory Hazit - Out With A Bang