What’s the wood butterfly with the dove engraving?
It and the imperial are YYF legends that were commissioned and never paid for. Yyf sold them at the last b grade sale
Stuff still available. Bought the cards I needed. I’m sure I won’t make any more significant changes any more.
Let me know if you’d like something. Need to head to the PO today anyway so stuff will get shipped today.
Still available, let me know
Prices dropped pretty significantly. There’s some Mowl stuff coming out that I want. Let me know, I can do deals or whatever
Pm sent
@mable for the gopa
black is the one color I don’t want
Black is the best color
Stuff still available.
Still available. Going to the post office tonight.
Some things adjusted.
Only a handful left. Would love a Freshly Dirty Rooster
Take what’s left for $650
Slight updates, looking for some specific trades.
Still available
Still available
Still available
Just a handful left. Let me know
Still available.