Bryan Figeroa 1A

Who knew Bryan was so good at 1A!? So smooth!

Wow… what the… Love his style… How did i not know about him being so good!!!

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You guys been living under a rock or something? :wink:

Bryan Figueroa did a few tricks even Yuuki Spencer can’t figure out.
He’s crazy.

Is that a YYJ Quest?

It’s a trigger.

I like it when we get to see videos of players, or the player in person, playing in a style outside their expected style. You can see how their expertise in one discipline carries forward in another one.


I don’t see why everyone is surprised he can do 1a. You’d assume everyone starts with 1a/2a.


So good I had to show my wife. She was impressed, too. On the other hand, shouldn’t have shown her. Now she’s going to be less impressed by my Kwyjibo. :wink:

His mustache is so deceiving… :wink:
