Here it is!
Good job man.
Its better than 68th (my score for worlds)
look on the bright side
ur the 68th best player in the world at tht point in time
lol yuppeerz =)
yah. At least you got in the worlds.
The only reason i got in is becuse 1 i payed for every thing 2 we live less than an hour away from rosen plaza hotel 3 they promised to let me compete when we had to leave Cali and move to Florida.
you still competed. I mean if I had even been there I would have like, had heart failure.

you still competed. I mean if I had even been there I would have like, had heart failure.
Doubt youll have a heart failure.Just an anxiety attack ;D
I’d be like her.
She won the most extreme harry potter fan in asia and got to me the cast. She also meets rupert grint and emma watson. The thing she says that sounds like sue-koy or goy i dunno means so cool or cool I think.
that was cool :o

that was cool :o
sue koy!
c’mon lets get 200 veiws!