Ahhh… I’m so happy!
As most of you guys know, I live about 3 minutes away from John Narum. So today was the day we’d meet up and he’s sell me some stuff. So I ring the doorbell and John comes up, and blah blah blah talk. NOTE: He is very short… So he shows me the Cream and some other things he will sell, so I decided to buy the Cream, Black Knight and a messed up x-convict for modding. So after he showed me the for sale, he showed me his collection AKA his room. His room is fairly small and most of the wall is covered in yo-yos. So I was just messing around with some random things, and he asked if I wanted some free stuff that he wants to get rid of. So he takes out 200 50/50 string, a Team Losi Cherry Bomb, a ton of shims, extra axles and a Throw Monkey, he just hands it over and says “Here ya Go!” So, John is one of the nicest people ever. So I was messing with the Black Knight because it’s awesome, and he asked me about MWR and if I am going. I told him I was and he asked if I was free styling or Laddering. I wasn’t so I told him and he told me at MN states the best ladder in my age only got to trick 9 on the list, so I asked him if he had a copy and he showed it to me. So he convinced me to do it. Now I must train VERY hard to get the list down… I am Happy!
Oh, and it’s National Yo-Yo Day!