How do you balance time yoyoing for yourself and your own enjoyment, compared to time spent yoyoing for other people by creating social media content?
How many years have you been yoyoing for?
What’s your favorite yoyo string
How many takes do most of your shorts / reels take?
What yo-yo style/technique felt most natural to you in the beginng of your yo-yo journey? For me I immediately fell in love with the 5A style, I’m new but I love it!
if you were to have a signature model, what yoyos would you try to squish together to make the perfect yoyo for you?
asking the real question
Surprised you didn’t lol
Follow on to what’s your favorite string if it’s different what string do you use the most (if your like me you often run out of your favorite and have a default backup bulk string mines cage free)
Rock the Baby : Palm Up or Palm Down ?
How did you start yoyoing?
What trick elements are your favorite? I know some elements are necessary for a combo to really pop for judges or the people online, but which elements are YOUR favorite, regardless of flash, or point potential?
What is your nutritional regemine? What exercising do you do to keep in shape? Do you do any dexterity increasing drills besides just practice?
My signature yoyo would be called The Mooch, because it only comes to me when it’s in a bind. That said, what’s your favorite way to eat potatoes?
Two questions here:
- What is your competition setup?(bearing, string, response pads, yoyo)
2.What made you go with the shutter as one of your signature color-ways?
I’m stoked to see another woman going pro in yoyo!!!
As a woman have you had to face any unique obstacles in your climb in the yoyo scene?
How many yoyos do you own? What would be your top 5 out of your collection?
Which trick do you dislike the most?
Who’s your favorite player to watch in terms of style?
Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?