Banned(Forum Game)

Banned because I could say the same thing about you :smiley:

SSSHHHH!!! Banned for ruining my reputation

Branded because you’re a cow.

Banned because you have no brain. (BTW, where have you been? I have not seen you in a while.)

Banned because you have banned banned people that have banned people to banishment

Just plain banned

Banned for banning to many people.

Banned for… Is that a chinchilla?

banned because that’s clearly a hedgehog according to the text above her signature’s picture

Banned for pointing out the obvious

Banned because I was pointing the obvious out to someone who missed it

banned because joey’s got my back

Banned because I got yo back

Banned for having Abbys back

I was banned

Banned for being banned

Banned for banning someone for being banned

Banned for banning me for banning someone for being banned

Banned for banning my for banning your for banning someone for being banned. :smiley: This is fun

Banned for saying the word ban way to many times in one post.