Banned(Forum Game)

Banned because I didn’t wahptch it.

banned because jack from jacksfilms told me to

Banned because you let this cat kill my family

Banned because Lol

banned because nobody has posted in this thread in almost a week

Banned because of the picture of the SUPER weird dog.

Banned for thinking that seven-faced (yes, I counted) dog is weird.

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Banned because you counted.

Banned for not being American (I think I went too far)

banned because ive heard way worse at school.

srsly, it gets awful… :o

Banned for being part of an awful school.

Banned for not thinking a 7 faced dog is weird.

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Banned for making combos out of cabin tutorial tricks

banned cause that means the person has a lack of creativity.

banned because of judging someone for their creativity

Banned for trying to get me to do a cad without pay >:( JK, it’s all good. :smiley:

Banned because that was sarcasm that not USA joke. I hate you. Lol.

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Banned for hating me

banned for being sponsored by Gn. Lol jk

Banned for jokingly hating on GN You have to be sincere when you hate on GN :smiley: