At Design Zero Picture Poll!

Please vote for your favorite set of pictures. I added the pictures below with the numbers right above them.

  • Option 1.
  • Option 2.
  • Option 3.
  • Option 4.
  • Option 5.
  • Option 6.
  • Option 7.
  • Option 8.
0 voters


Thanks for doing this @yoyojoe ! A company i’ve been excited to try more yoyos from. The version of the Mono that @FourCorner had was very fun, enjoyed it quite a bit. Appreciate ya setting this up and paying it forward.


It’s all packaged up and on its way @AaronW . Forgot to mention but hopefully it’s ok with everyone that I’m sending the silky version. I smoothed out the bearing post a little and popped the new bearing on and it’s a much better fit now. It has some vibe but still plays great. If anyone wants to mess around with it feel free. Threw in some strings and a crystal fairy lab soft cube if anyone wants to play 5a.


This looks very “AntiYo” to me, why I jumped on it when @yoyojoe first mentioned offering it as a pay it forward. I’m pretty busy so expect it to turn around pretty quick and head to you KC. I won’t need a ton of time to know if I’m going to end up buying one :rofl:


Toss me on this list please!

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These are drool worthy. :drooling_face: They look so good. Anti-Yo vibes. My favorite yoyo company ever. Nicely done man.

Just got the Zero in. Going to play it a couple days then send it off to @KSnow


So a few have asked me about a comparison to AntiYo. So here it is.

I compared it to my DRI-YWET and RSO TiEnd (which I feel is the perfected Bapezilla), here are all the specs that I measured.

Zero - 63.71g
DRI - 69.57g.
Ti End - 65.63g

Zero - 54.28mm
DRI - 56.54
Ti End - 51.73

Zero - 41.56mm
DRI - 38.14mm
Ti End - 38.8

I was surprised at how the Zero plays. For being the lightest of the bunch I figured it would be pretty floaty, to me it’s a very solid throw, plays very similar to my YWET’s. I love the finish on the Zero, if this is the same as the “MoonRock” finishes I’ve seen it’s super unique and I’m going to have to own a yoyo with this finish at some point. My one dislike, and it may just be that the yoyo is new, are the pads. It’s very “catchy”. Not responsive, the pads seem to want to catch the string whenever it can and start to wrap the string around the bearing. Again, the pads may just need to break in some.

Thanks again @yoyojoe for setting this up!


Please add me to the list!

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Zero is in the mail heading to @KSnow


Got it in today! Thanks @AaronW and @yoyojoe ! Will give it a couple of days and then have it out to @Upmanyu asap.


Going to be getting this out to @Upmanyu on Tuesday! I forgot tomorrow is Labor Day.
I have really enjoyed this Zero a lot. The silky finish is really unique and I have found myself liking it more and more. I will definitely be needing to get me one of these in this finish. They are trying to go for an Anti-yo feel, and I think it fits that, a modern Anti-yo. It hits a really nice sweet spot for me with the size and feel on the string. I don’t think it’ll be anyone’s choice for a competition yoyo, but it’s not designed for that either. Anyone that is a fan of the mid-school yoyos and organics would probably enjoy this yoyo too.
Thank you again @yoyojoe for sending this around. My wallet does not thank you though.


Feel free to post a cool picture for the giveaway. Also glad you enjoyed it! @KSnow


It gave my fiancé a good excuse to mess with her new phone lol. Thanks Joe!
All boxed up and headed out to @Upmanyu tomorrow afternoon.


Thank you for your feedback, also nice pictures !


Hi every one, new color is available now.


@Upmanyu just wanna make sure it arrived and made it safe! Should have been delivered on the 11th. :slight_smile:


I got it! Sorry for not posting an update here! Will get it out to the next person by next monday!


Its like they are related.

I liked how the zero played but wish it had more spin time! Thanks @yoyojoe for doing this!


I’d love to try em!

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