App Update?

I know that I’ve only been a member for a few weeks, but I definitely wouldn’t mind an update to the iPhone app. Maybe optimize for iPhone 5?

There’s also an issue I’ve been having with videos. Stuarttw (sp) fixes it in a lot of the videos threads but not all. If someone posts a YouTube link with “” it pops up in safari just as “https” and I can’t watch the video. If there’s no S it’s fine.

I don’t have access to a computer all the time, so I use the app for most of my YYE browsing, and a little update would be cool!

Edit: just realized the S thing is for all links, not just YouTube. It happens with pictures every once and a while.

Or, before updating the iPhone app, how about bringing it to android?

I agree that the app needs a few adjustments.

One thing that I have always wished is that you would recieve a notification when you get a message in your inbox. I wish that was possible.