Calling all weather guru’s. I am trading my Kestrel 4000 Pocket Wind Meter. I used this wind meter a couple of times while stormchasing! It works flawlessly. I am looking to trade for any high-end yo. So please pm me your offer.
Attached is a picture of it and it comes with a kestrel carry case.
The Kestrel 4000 accurately measures:
* Wind Chill
* Air, Water, and Snow Temperature
o Displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius w/ accuracy of +/-1°
* Current, Average, and Maximum Wind Speed
o Wind Speeds displayed in: Beaufort Wind Scale; Knots; MPH; KPH; or Feet Per Minute
* Barometric Pressure
* Pressure Trend
* Altitude
* Relative Humidity
* Dewpoint Temperature
* Wet Bulb Temperature
* Heat Stress Index
In addition, the Kestrel 4000 offers:
* Density Altitude
* Customizable navigation and data displays
* Tracking and storage of up to 2000 data points
o Manual and automatic data storage
o Graphing
* Computer interface capability