Show us your AI generated yoyo related art.
pleeeez more​:heart_hands:
The first monkey looks a little high
Not high. Just drunk. He works in finance as a low level broker. He’s had one too many whiskey drinks after a stressful day.
“Just drunk”
I’d buy the first yoyo lol
My god I wish this were real
“We don’t need no gosh dang computers. I HAVE THE POWER OF MY MIND!!! Just gimme a sec though, this one takes a while to picture…
Is that string supposed to be metal? seems like it wouldn’t be the most efficient
AI gets confused on what the guts of a yoyo look like. I think it combined the string with the body or maybe it’s an engraving.
Either way I like the high wall and “wing” like profile. Also the flower engraving in the cup is very nice. It’s weird that the top halve doesn’t match the bottom halve shape, but it does that sometimes.
I like the rim on the top half of the blue one
I’d rather look at art by children than anything AI-generated.
Getting a nice virtual Yo-Yo collection going I see
I’m thinking about making these into NFTs and selling them on the BST