A-RT (Alternate - Return Tops) Alternatives

OD just manufactures the a-rt throws, they haven’t been involved with the designs.

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…do you have evidence to the contrary? I’m a OD fanboy but it does seem they purely only manufacture the throws.





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Thanks for all the new suggestions! I’ve updated the OP with them :slight_smile: I’ll also toss out the Turning Point Bacchus as a sorta-DK – it’s much heavier (4g heavier) and slimmer in width so the hollow feel is much more subtle, but it’s probably a much easier find than a Pure and uses a C bearing w/ 19mm pads so much simpler to maintain.

I also added in the RCS Show Pony as a Grail / Inhaler alternative. Grail b/c the specs are pretty close and I remember them actually playing pretty similar, Inhaler b/c while it’s more Grail sized it also doesn’t have schmoove grooves (though it does have a tiny response bump) so it’s got more of a highwall organic feel which is how I’ve seen people describe the Inhaler.

Could you expand on this @Applepooh? Does this mean you’d consider FPM, TopYo, YoYoGarden, et. al as collaborators on the yo-yos they manufacture for the numerous boutique brands out there?


the vi ix was produced overseas if i’m not mistaken

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I’m pretty sure that’s right; I think these are the only A-RTs manufactured by One Drop:

  • 420
  • 420 Light
  • Diptych
  • Garrett
  • Grail
  • Grail B7
  • Inhaler
  • Life (early runs, or was it all, even w/ the adjusted bearing seat?)
  • Sparrow





Not technically an A-RT :wink:

All of these were made by One Drop :upside_down_face: None of these were made by One Drop as I understand it. It’s possible they were tumbled and anodized by them though since their ano does look to be pyramatte

ETA: Fe/urn was made by OD, I missed it on it’s page:

It’s a pretty minor thing, but are there Woolly Marmot 1/2s produced by One Drop? (Woolly Markmont doesn’t count because it’s plated).

One of my favorite aspects of the Quail was the pyramatte finish. I love how pyramatte feels, so the best A-rt alternatives to me would also be manufactured by One Drop.

Edit: at least I thought the Quail was produced by OD? The finish on it is that half-glossy, gets sticky in humid weather, but grinds shockingly decent feel that you get from pyramatte. Maybe other manufacturers tumble yoyos too so those would be included? The Quail isn’t blasted but it also wasn’t just a straight up raw anodized surface, it had that pyramatte tumbled feel.


If there are, I think it’d be a WM2 as those released around 2014 which is closer to when CLYW and One Drop were partnered (Summit released 2013, unsure when them working together ended). The OG WM were like 2009/2010


Ahhh, you were right about all three, they just don’t mention One Drop on the pages for the Quail or Dale, but in DocPop’s tour of the One Drop factory they talked about A-RT throws and mentioned they made the Quail/Dale. Mystery solved!


Yep, only ones that weren’t are their collab yoyos: OST (69), SF (DK), UNPRLD (Sucction), etc. excluding Life.

Can’t mistake that OD goodness!


I don’t think they made the Unnamed Bimetal either or I feel like it’d get brought up constantly in a “why doesn’t One Drop make a bimetal” posts.


That is correct. Box specified made in Hong Kong.


Garik (Garlics) were also not OD so it would be cheaper and easier to send Ilya a package to Russia as its his budget signature.



according to a recent post from @G2_Jake all Life’s used the same machine shop aka one drop

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No I wouldn’t.

And no I don’t care to expand on anything I’ve said.

This is a hobby, I don’t need to drudge histories and personal / professional relationships.

Have a good weekend all.

But, because I cannot resist… if you think David and Shawn have not helped Art or G2 be it
Sidewalk talk, shop talk, off the record. Etc etc whatever you want to call it. Theeeennnnn ehhhh buy more yoyofriends……………………………

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