$1 Dollar YoYo Vs $1000 Dollar YoYo | Does Price Really Matter?

Your new yoyo looks so good

Thanks, itā€™s been in the works for quite awhile and Iā€™m am excited to get it into the world!

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Canā€™t wait to try it

Hi Cotton, could you send me a private chat, i would like to speak "businussss":rofl:, not really just a couple of things i would like to speak about.

If you buy a $1 yoyo qne modify it you no longer have a $1 yoyo. pyrotechnic charges $15 plus shipping for his originally cheap yoyo.

Frankly my personal feelings are that anything less than $10-$15 is junk and not worth the effort, and I set a limit of $100 on any high end yoyo a long time ago and never spent more that $90 on any yoyo I have owned. Perfectly happy with all that I have from a number of YYJ Journeys to Dif-e-yos, HSPINS, and Anti-Yos.


Yeah I know. Would be cool to see how one plays though. Have you played one?

You think the n12 and Krystal is junk?

No, I havenā€™t, though they look interesting and I am familiar with his work.

Have never tried a MYY.


Oh okay I was wondering cause those 2 are great yoyos and can get for $10-15

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Not sure about N12, but the Krystal is pretty great. Their Y-03 Hertz is surprisingly good, as well, especially for the price. Had an N11, though, and it was so hard to use, compared other yo-yos. Spin time and weight distribution were terrible on that one.

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At this point we all know there are $15 yo-yos that can do all you want from them, and in some cases they are many years old, It seems to me quality control could be an issue, but itā€™s not like a yo-yo has many moving parts. A $15 yo-yo will not hold your skills back if you choose a good designā€¦


Had a Carpfin that I sold, was as smooth as any $100 yo-yo. Pretty amazing really.
Sold because I prefer slightly smaller diameters.

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This is true indeed!