Updated throws! Priced to move!



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Take both for 120$ today!!

Mint gaxalxy diver


Bump to the top

Bump please buy my throws! Will cut deals!!

Take everything you see here for 200$ vaca funding!!

All prices include shipping
Bottom row
Ducan orbital gtx mint 50 , 5050 50$ , Freshly 45$
Next to bottom
Untiy affinity 35$ , markmont 60$ , exia (not brass rim) 50$
Third from top row buy from other rows pick a free one
3yo3 30$, ko 20$ , confusion 25$, forgot the name of this one 30$,

Second from top buy from other rows choose a free one
Freehand 10$ , holly v 25$, protostar glow 25$ ,

Top same for this row
Reply glow 15$ skyva 15$

Bump. 5050 and protostar gone

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Bump markmont and omnicron gone

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