X it up!

1st one:Made an X with yoyo string :slight_smile:

2nd one:This one has 2 X’s in it, can you find them? lol

3rd one:Me and my brother with his Duncan Reflex and my sister with her butterfly im teaching them :slight_smile:

HAHAHA the kid on the right looks SO TIGHT!!!


yeah hes 6 and hes awesome, can do gravity pull and sleeper :stuck_out_tongue:

Here are my x it up photos!

My x trick.

Just me.

Me and my step dad Tim.Later.

Keep it spinning­™

Robert, thats AWESOME!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

What is? Later.

Keep it spinning™

Wow, I look real scary :frowning:
I was real tired.


my dog again, scruffy! ::slight_smile:

Who needs fingers?

Do we get another hint? there are already like 6 x’s and u owe us 3 more clues ;D

oh yeah i forgot were suppose to get hints again.

Dude this is the “x it up post”. The one with the hints is the “I now something you don’t” post. Later.

Keep it spinning™