Squids of YYE

It’s squidtastic!

you’re proving my point…

People who are scared of squid girl make me Squidtable.

Don’t squid yourself this thread is anything but scary.


Strange squid obsession…

Don’t know what the squid you’re talking about.

Join us.

This is going to get banned.

You have got to be Squiddin’.

I have this on my shelf…

Squidtastic, truly you are the most squidly squidling.

How inksquisite.

Then Doc Brown and Marty went back in time in the Delorian and made soup of all of the wizards who had existed and will ever exist in the future. Making Squid Girl alive to help support the cause of Bananas and Banners.

“I like Banners!” Squid girl exclaimed!

And then she inked to herself, “time to take over the human race.”

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“How the squid am I supposed to do that?” Squid girl replied.

I love Squiddie.

I don’t see why. It’s not inappropriate. It’s just a couple of people obsessed with an anime.