Too busy to post on the auction site make offers while you can…
Make with bids
One day left on fantastic deals!
Ending soon.
Lowered prices make an offer if you’d like all three.
$120 for both shipped while isotope 2b are in stock!!!
$70 each?? Offer up. 60% off yoyojoker Uroboros.
Wow it’s late BUMP.
All still available.
for all after fees.
Last day on the h5chief.
Pendingish bump?
Going on eBay this afternoon if not purchased. Will be cheaper here I promise. Smooth 2 flat spots, that’s it.
Too lazy to do the auction thing. Feel free to get it while it’s inexpensive.
Accepting cash offers
Best deal.
75 shipped this weekend only.
As of Monday I am keeping it.
Maybe some cash?
Priced some stuff I would be more likely to get rid of.
Some prices flexible. Bump
Prices lowered…