Samad Patel in the Southern California YoYo Contest

were you there?

haha i was in the backround of samad’s vid. blue shirt. big hair. good times.

Gah! I hear that song everywhere and wanna download it. What’s is called?

at worlds 09?

No, at Socal.

im at school
dont mind my post just doing it
so i can remember to watch the vid later when i get

Very nice, Samad.

Looking good guys l 8) 8)ing good!

6th ?? I would love to see the first place player. Any way good job Samad, so what string did you use LOL You have made amazing progress in you playing style. Good for you Sir.

You really did well, better than your first contest! :wink:

Happy Throwing! =]

Why, I used Perfect Fit String, of course! All my backups had it too. :slight_smile:

that was before he knew I was competing
had to

You did good man keep up the hard work.


Man if you got 6th there must have only been 4 people. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice job! A few messups, but still way better than me!

Holy Smokes, that was the first time I saw my super favorite player in a contest. Samad is so beast.

Made my day. Twice now.

nice samad, brown kids get good at yoyoing fast lol

oh…no unfortunately I live too far east to go to it but those videos gave me a feel of the fun that was had. Plus I saw lots of other videos posted by other people who went.

Will some1 please tell me the song?