Funny yoyo memes

Thank you Andre!!!




So true, wish more people jumped in. Do you think itā€™s because the tricks picked are usually more common and already known by the majority on here? Iā€™ve always wondered if maybe there were different options of tricks each week, like 2-3 tuts varying on difficulty, maybe more would feel inclined to participate. Idk though I just want more people in on it haha, Iā€™m guilty of not posting more frequently in there myself


Usually for me I just know the trick already, or never have enough time to get it down in a week. I try to learn them all though


Yeah I figured itā€™s mostly because a lot know the tricks already, but I get it and I know itā€™s easier said than done like there are only so many tutorials and accounts online doing yoyo stuff. And trying to accommodate everyone and their skill levels always comes into play, thatā€™s why Iā€™m wondering if maybe at least two different tuts a week (one easier one harder) might be something to try sometime. Or if that would just make things all jumbled and complicated


I just need to invent a way to land everything on the first try for video.


iā€™d try perfecting both and iā€™d feel bad if i couldnā€™t, i honestly think one moderately hard trick a week is pretty solid, especially if the people that learned it can discuss different variations or techniques or something

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For me personally, I tried to follow along but then I missed a week, then another, and now weā€™re here, weeks into the year and I did like 7 of them. I canā€™t speak for others, but I think for me, I need to carve out an hour from my day to sit down and devote it to the TaW thread. It kinda just isnā€™t at the top of my priorities list, so I often donā€™t make time for it, and then somehow the week has already passed.

I think that thereā€™s definitely things you could try to do to incentivise more activity in the thread, but itā€™s tough when everyone has their own schedule in life. On top of that, everyone has their own goals within yoyo, some people here donā€™t throw any unresponsive at all - so theyā€™re obviously not going to post in the TaW threads. Then if you do things like 5A tricks, its hard to know where the general population of the forums is at to initiate which difficulty of trick to have people try (I think mable did a great job at this, by offering two different difficulties with 5A last time).

You might be able to post like, a more difficult trick for the month, then easier tricks during the weeks. But I sincerely donā€™t think adding more tricks is the solution.

I think that the only way to get more people to post is to be the change, and post there. Thatā€™s my plan at least, I gotta start posting there more.




But seriously, I lolā€™d at this one.

I apologize for my lack of contribution. Iā€™m not really so much with the 1A right now. Today I learned Matrix!



@KirbyRobot meme
ā€œNo one likes the comic sansā€

(I couldnā€™t find the string ball holder pic aaaaaaaa)


I guess version parity is pretty hard to achieve, even in a social media group. Shows what I know about coding, I guessā€¦

Here it is :skull_and_crossbones:


Definitely agree with this too and gonna try to post more and be active there.

Live look at Mable and Henry in the Taw thread
(a meme to satisfy @TryCatchThrow)


Re: TaW thread ā€” I just wanna say shoutout to all ppl who have been participating and no problem if anyone doesnā€™t want too or is too busy! There have been some new faces coming in and that is super sick! I know both mable and I have said this before but if anyone has any feedback at all about the thread or has a trick they would like to learn, shoot us a message!


I love the thread and you are a total boss for stepping up to help with it. Love when people come together :heart:

Sometimes I just donā€™t have time to do them or otherwise donā€™t get around to it but Iā€™ll keep submitting mine when I get them! Honestly a lot of tricks I know are from the various trick a weeks. I use it as a repository of cool tricks to learn and just go look at them whenever I need a new one! I should do the ones I know but didnā€™t submit. Maybe I can jam some into a combo.


I have really liked the attempts to keep the thread active outside of Thursday/ Friday. I feel like often the trick is posted, then itā€™s silent until the week is ending and people post their versions.

The gentry week in particular I think had more activity throughout and that felt like it helped. Part of that is the sweet spot of difficulty (I think black hops is another pretty good example of being around that spot).

I do like the idea of something harder (and/or longer?) for a month. Seems like neat structure, though it might also need to have regular difficulty the same week?


For me some weeks Iā€™m already tied up in other tricks Iā€™m already in the middle of. I usually try and go back and learn each of the trick of the weeks that I can. Some I just havenā€™t recorded after the fact since itā€™s been so long and some others I just think well the weeks gone might as well just keep smoothing it out til itā€™s solid. I try to participate in the thread about each trick. This week with black hops Iā€™m glad Henry picked it because it finally forced me to keep working on it where in the past Iā€™d just try it one or two times here and there. I think after this week I will finally be proficient-ish at black hops.