There are dozens of us. DOZENS!
TFW you started yo-yoing when everyone was still throwing front style and almost every freestyle had a brain twister combo.
Btw Tyler Severance had a mean brain twister combo.
Pano and mini spikes, meant to be!!!
It’s just very rare to see anyone here post their own frontstyle combos.
I didn’t realize frontstyle was considered passé. I dig it.
Honestly the over the top divorced ex military dad skulls and flames are great for yo-yo memes.
Ooh, that is much better.
But there’s NO YOYOS…
Well now I’m afraid to bump my LF post. Imma wait a bit… Haha!
On the flipside: You finally decide to try using the YYE advanced search features to find the throw you want after months of looking; BST be like: