Done for now

Somebody has to want these

Oh hey, forgot about this

I heard you were selling a steel from someone off Facebook…is that still available?

New stuff. Let me know if you’re interested.

Good morning. Another day.

Updated with wants. Let me know

Hello everyone. Late lunch. Still some cool things here

Hello everyone, good morning.

The topic was supposed to be 10/28, not 9/18. Woops

This has been a great year for video games. Just finished Breath of the Wild and now I’m starting on Super Mario Odyssey.

I love you Nintendo.

Bump again

And again


Hey, how’s it going? Who wants to help me find some things I want?

Bump again

I have so many cool things you guys. Oh man. Someone probably wants them

Cheaper now

Hey new stuff

Almost done with the semester. Yay

Bump again

Oh yeah, bump. Woops. I forgot

Hey updated with holidealz. Happy holidays everyone