Collection clean up - YYR, FD, Puckett, G2, TP and more

Hi all - Here are some throws that don’t get enough love. All are damage free unless noted and prices above 30$ include shipping. Any questions just let me know!

Trade interests will be posted in the comments. Cheers!

First picture (YYR)

Toru.9 clear - $140

Overdripe Draupnir blue catch/clear cups - $100

Anomaly - purple - $90

Chopsticks g0rilla - $125

Second picture - (Damian Puckett throws)

Top Row (left to right):

Fusion - pink/clear halfswap - $60

Undersized wisteria - purple w/ pink/clear speckle - $100 (only 1 run ever made)

Wingweaver, silver w/ black ring - $60

Bottom row:

“New New” - purple/peach Fade - $100

Wingweaver - pink/blue acid wash - $75

Power (clear and pink) - $100 on hold

Third picture (pairs):

First pair-

Luftverk Green Plastic Fulvia - $30

Luftverk white plastic 000 - $30

Second pair

G2 Wraith indigo dreams - $110

G2 GBP Indigo dreams - $65

Third pair

C3 Socius blue/back acid wash - $110

C3 Samothrace - black w SS rims - $85

Fourth pair

FD r00ster - barn yard red- $80

FD c4n4ry - yellow - $30

Fourth Picture (One offs)

Top row:

Mile Highbrid red rims super hero - $50 traded

Topyo Twin Drive SS - blue w black rims - $80

A-rt - Garrett - blue jean - $110

2sick Blitz - purple/teal halfswap - marked up catch zone - $35

Chief copy - pink/purple - $40

Bottom row:

SoSerious - Promoteo - Red - $85

SF statement - wainbow - has vibe and a small ding- $55

Triptych copy - $40

Lewi V Lone Karasu - light blue - $95

Turning point picture

Tp - Ziz - purple - $140

TPXAxle yo - moonrock derivative - scratch on rim but dead smooth - $80

TP Hades - pink w/ gold rims - $140

TP Leviathan 1 - Pink - $100


Trade interests:
Splash turning point bimetal (specifically levi6)

G2 swirls

G2 e23 plasmaberries

Rainicorn splash

G2 triton

Andromeda hawk

Sf ignorance in wainbow (smooth)

Himenosu (not hinemosu)

vtwo in a splash or Saturday market

Yyr Sigtyr

Mowl obsession+ (anything but purple)

Mod 44 d bearing

Ti Pelican

Yjyoyo segamonte/vegamonte

Gnome ( trooper )

Sturm panzer

A-rt D7

Rso (anything I don’t currently have)


Light and bright colorways

Enso gear 5 clear w rainbow