BobParty’s Company Profiles: MK1 yoyos

This is awesome! I’ve been lurking on this thread for awhile now. I can’t stop reading these! I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to anything yoyo. Much love! - Snoopy.


Glad to hear it, thank you!!

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Proud to present Doc Lucky for today’s profile!!


What got you into throwing? How did you find the hobby?

Like any other kid in the 60s & 70s, I played the yo-yo a little bit, maybe a little more obsessive than the average kid. In medical school, I found a yo-yo and trick book, and to kill time between classes, I started practicing. I learned all the tricks in the book. That was the start.

If you could only have one yo-yo for the rest of your life what would it be?

If it had to be a fixed axle, it would be a Tom Kuhn 3-in-1, No Jive. If it was nonresponsive, then the one I would go with is the Shutter.

What trick are you working on currently and what is your all-time favorite trick?

I am getting better at two-handed looping. However, I could be more consistent. My favorite trick is rock the baby out the window. It’s a crowd-pleaser just because of the name.

What’s the most meaningful yo-yo you have in your collection?

That would be an original Flores yo-yo from 1928. I’ve always said you’re only a Jedi yo-yo collector if you own a Flores yo-yo.

What kind of things are you into outside of yo-yos?

I still compete in open water swims and do a 2-kilometer lake swim daily each morning. I also play for the Orlando underwater hockey team. We were the 2024 Florida state champions this year. I also like doing short films, and I’ve had a couple in the last few years at film festivals that have picked up a few awards.

What are your favorite restaurants and order?

I would go with the one that has had the most yo-yo premiums over the years: McDonald’s. My favorite order would be a Big Mac and small fries with two BBQ sauces. My cardiologist tells me that that is no longer my favorite order.

What is your favorite movie or TV show?

My favorite movie is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. My favorite TV show is Game of Thrones (with the exception, of course, of the last season of the show.)

If there is one song that you say fits your mood and personality perfectly what would it be?

Any song by Weird Al Yankovic

What is your best yo-yo memory?

I have many, but there are two that stand out. The first time I was in Tallahassee, sometime in the 90s, I was hanging out after a yo-yo competition. Steve Brown had just recently attached either a ball or maybe it was a dice at the time to the end of the string. He said, “Guys, check this out,” and he threw a simple aerial. Everybody’s jaw dropped to the ground. We saw 5A for the first time, and the rest is history. The second memory was when I was hanging out with Mark McBride in a hotel room, and he said let me show you a trick I invented. On the third try he hit it. “I call it velvet rolls,” and 3A was invented.

What is your bad yo-yo habit?

Absolutely not arranging to have enough yo-yo throwing time.

What’s the most expensive or rare yo-yo you have?

That is a tricky question to answer as I have several one-of-a-kind prototypes. I also have many yo-yos that we refer to as “majors” in the collecting world. A major is a yo-yo that has sold at some point in time for over $1000 at auction. Some of my favorite rare yo-yos are a Candy swirl Flores, a Duncan white wooden prototype Coke yo-yo (Duncan only made six and rejected the color), a Dale Evans yo-yo (only 10 or 12 were made), Tom Kuhn reverse Flying camel, an original Yomega yo-yo, a wood Jack Russell yo-yo signed by Jack, okay I’ll stop there I could list 40 more.

If you never found yo-yo what would you be doing instead?

I would be making movies, preferably zombie-related or horror. It’s still on my bucket list.

How is the yo-yo community change from what it used to be and where do you think it will end up?

I was at the first modern national championships in 1993 Chico, CA. I have seen the yo-yo evolve from a contest to a legitimate sport. Yo-yo competitions will end up being in the Olympics someday. If break dancing and skateboarding can make it into the Olympics, the yo-yo should also be a part.

Advice / words of wisdom to new players?

Practice, and then practice more until your fingers bleed. That is the only way to become a yo-yo champion.

What do you want to tell the world?

That’s an easy one; the answer is, “You can never have too many yo-yos!”


Yooo! Very cool to hear from Doc Lucky! I love that he is championing Duos division and think that division has the potential to pushing out some of the coolest and most fun routines!


I can’t wait for Doc Lucky to start doing yo-yo talk again.


Verycool. Some of my favorite yoyo people have been interviewed so far. Keep it up!


I needed to hear this, this morning. Such wise words.


Buy buy buy


All - apologies for delays here. I was impacted by not 1, but 2 of the Florida hurricanes that just made landfall.

That being said I’m excited to have one of my favorite players Eric Tran-Ton!!


What got you into throwing, how did you find the hobby?

I think it was during the winter of 04, when a couple of my friends picked up a couple YYF F.A.S.T 201’s after their tour came through Chicago. After playing with one of their’s at recess, I went home and asked my parents to take me to a KB toys to pick up one of my own. I’ve pretty much been yoyoing ever since.

What is your goal in the next year for yourself personal or professional?

I’d really like to make it out more yoyo contests this year. I’ve been pretty disconnected from the wider yoyo community for quite a while now, and I’d like to meet all the new players that have gotten into this community since I’ve been gone.

If you could only have one yo-yo for the rest of your life what would it be?

This is a tough question to answer, it changes all the time. If I had to pick one right now it’d be the mowl Infiltrate Ti. We haven’t released this one yet, but it’s been the yoyo that I pick up every time I want to play for the past year or so.

What trick are you working on currently?

I’m mostly just revisiting older tricks I never finished and figuring out ways to make them feel a bit more modern. That and all the Corocoro tangler variations.

What’s the trick that gives you the hardest time?

Corocoro tangler. I cannot get this trick consistent.

What’s your favorite trick of all time?

All of Daniel Kim’s tricks.

What’s the most meaningful throw you have?

There are 2. The first one would be my Pink Werrd Irony. It was the yoyo I used to make my first worlds finals back in 2011. The second one would be the Unknown x Unparalleled Ignition. Bryan Figueroa is one of my closest friends, and it was super cool finally being able to do a collab with him.

What’s your worst habit with yo-yos?

Not taking out my knots and just changing yoyos.

What’s kind of things are you into outside of yo-yos?

I’m really big into movies. I watch an embarrassing amount of them every year.

What fictional character best fits who you are?

Uhh, I have no idea… Maybe like Uncle Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures.

Favorite restaurant and order?

Ghareeb Nawaz. Chicken Qurma w/ Garlic Naan & side order of Basmati Rice.

Favorite movie and or book?

Favorite movie of all time has to be Reservoir Dogs by Tarantino. I could give a Ted Talk on that movie.

Favorite book is Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P. Newton

If you could wake up tomorrow and magically have the skills from one player who and what would it be?

Daniel Kim. He is the best yoyoer in the world, and it’s not particularly close. His flow is incredible.

What’s your favorite memory from your time in the hobby ?

I’ve been in this hobby for so long that It’s quite hard to pick just one. If I really had to it’d be going to my first 44Clash in 2014. That is a contest I wish every player had the chance to experience.

How has the community changed since you started? Where do you want it to go?

How has the community changed since you started? Where do you want it to go?

It would take forever for me to go into how the community has changed over the past 2 decades, and it would make me sound like a crochety old man. So I’ll just focus on where i’d like the community to grow from here.

I think that there has been a really large influx of younger players in the past couple of years thanks to TikTok/Social Media, and I would really like for our community to focus on helping those kids transition into becoming competitors or more “serious” yoyoers. We always want to see/need newer faces in our competitive scene, otherwise our hobby is going to fade away.

If you never picked up a yo-yo - what would life look like now?

If I never picked up yoyoing, I think my life would be much more boring. I wouldn’t have met some of my closest friends, and would have never gotten the chance to travel all over the world. I probably would have spent all the time grinding away at yoyoing playing League of Legends.

Advice/ words of wisdom to new players?

Learn the fundamentals. It’s boring and looks kinda lame, but learning the basics of yoyoing before you move into more advanced tricks will make learning advanced tricks much easier. It’ll also make your presentation look 1000x better.

Whats you want to tell the world?

Thanks for being a part of my life for the past 20 years. It’s been an amazing experience being a part of this community and I’m grateful for being accepted by it, but more importantly Daniel Kim is the best yoyoer in the world.


I just noticed your instagram account is deactivated, any issues?

no idea if it was appropriate to post this here, thanks


At the time of the last post of Mr. Tranton, a hurricane was coming towards him.

I pray hes okay.


I haven’t heard from him in quite some time…I’ve been a bit worried.


Ye I msg’d him a while ago requesting for a player profile and he said he’s still dealing with the hurricane


Why is my account deactivated :sob:


that’s something I should ask U :skull:

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Everyone - excited to be back and excited for a new profile!

I apologize for being away, without going into it to much I went through probably the worst few months of my life and needed to step back and focus. That being said I appreciate the warm welcome back from everyone!!

I also have a new insta in my bio if anyone is interested to follow!


I am excited to present one of my favorite Instagram accounts, an amazingly talented thrower, a member of team Motion yo-yo, and someone I feel lucky enough to call a friend @Bjorn_ofyoyo!!! Also know as BF_Throws!!


Barrett “Bear” Farmer, 28 years old, Anchorage, Alaska

What got you into throwing, how did you find the hobby?

I was about 8 years old at summer camp in Waco, TX (not THAT summer camp…) and all my buddies had bought Duncan butterfly’s and fixed axel wheels from the tuck shop opened only during our free time, and were learning the forward pass and milk the cow. I went to go buy a yo-yo and they were all sold out! But the shop owner saw my disappointment and told me to come back tomorrow. So upon my return after nap hour the next day, they had fully stocked up the yo-yo shelves and I had my fair choice of color. So I bought a neon green butterfly, and a black and red wheel yoyo, as well as an extra colored string pack they had. So for the next 4 days, I learned to throw a normal up down throw. I learned to throw a sleeper, forward pass, and started working on milk the cow and shoot the moon. I enjoyed it well enough.

I would go back home after camp and would kinda forget about my yo-yo and would practice maybe a couple times a week just messing around.

Fast forward a couple summers later, my summer camp friends and I were still forward passing and some of us had gotten around the world. I had gotten milk the cow down, and had busted myself in the face a couple times trying to shoot the moon, as that trick wasn’t there yet.

Upon my return home from camp that year, my Dad had noticed my interest in yoyo tricks, and proceeded to show me a 2009 Jensen freestyle, a Hiroyuki freestyle, and a Shinya freestyle from 2010 worlds. I was blown away by the tricks I was seeing, slack tricks, speed combos, etc. I wanted to learn so bad, so me and my dad found and found Andre’s tutorials. We saw he was using the dark magic, which in my head, was the coolest looking yo-yo I’d ever seen. Those big shiny silver rims, on a colorful red body, simply beautiful. As we watched a couple more of the advanced tutorials, we quickly realized I would need a new yo-yo to learn this advanced style of yo-yo tricks, and that the dark magic was maybe a bit too ahead of where I was at skill wise, so we opted for the cheaper version of dark magic, the legacy v1 in black!

I loved that yo-yo! I learned to bind, blew through the beginner and intermediate tricks with it no problem of the course of maybe 6 months. Throughout my use of the YYJ Legacy, I saved allowance and birthday money to buy more yo-yos to deepen my collection. At first, it was a bunch of local toy store yomega models and even a single cold metal fusion. Once I started ordering on yoyoexpert more often, I bought YoYojams, some yoyo factory, an h spin, a spyy, some really fun throws that I used to learn more and show people around me what yoyoing could be with the growing technology!

Ever since I’ve enjoyed being apart of the community, shout out the old Yoyonation forums and yoyoexpert for always being there through thick and thin! Shout out the old string theory podcast that taught new tricks and did Yoyo giveaways! I never had people around me, except those at camp who stuck with their butterfly’s and wheels, to Yoyo with, so the online community has always been a huge reason for loving yoyoing as much as I do.

If I’m being honest, come highschool time, I stopped yoyoing having accrued some one drops and general yos and even some older c3 models I liked a lot. But they sat in my case and didn’t come back out until I would turn 23, when covid hit. Though I do remember running into someone who was an amazing yoyoer in Pensacola, FL at the Cordova mall who was using a white delrin severe (right before its release) and I’m pretty sure it was mister Tyler S. himself. I told him I was a yoyoer but didn’t have mine on me, so he let me use the Severe and showed him my super intermediate skills and got the “heck yeah man keep it up” of approval! It might not have been Tyler, but whoever it was, that moment meant a lot, thanks!

Once covid hit I was working night shift security at a local internet outpost and lots of people were sent to work from home. So my job became significantly more relaxed, and while I watched my cameras and made my exterior rounds, I would bring some yo-yos and try and learn new tricks. Now with funds of my own, I went absolutely crazy. I bought so many yo-yos between 2019-2022 and spent so much, I had a blast. So many Bimetals, so many g2, so many Turning Points and YYR, so many Ti yo-yos (drew the line at tiss, too pricey for me), I bought whatever I thought I would like. Picking apart the play of each one and why it played the way it did, how it felt, eventually accruing some throwing style in the process. I was very addicted. I posted as many tricks onto Instagram as I could and eventually caught the attention of a small yoyo brand, FTY, or Fairview Trade Yo-yos. They released a few very fun yo-yos and I got to see what the process was like to make and release a yo-yo, be apart of their advertising troupe, and I met some very good yoyo friends of mine! Shout out Jeremy, Jon, Mike, Jaxon, and so many others!

As FTY came to a close, Jeremy Ayer’s reached out to me and said he was thinking of starting his own yo-yo brand, and wanted me along for the ride as we had become closer through FTY. I knew that Jeremy had never let me down with a yo-yo recommendation, and that he always knew what made a yo-yo design tick. I was instantly in.

Now with Motion coming up on its 3 year anniversary, I’m proud to say I stuck with yoyoing. I managed to move a lot of the yo-yos I accrued over time into more appreciative hands, and fell in love with the Motion lineup of yo-yos. It’s been such a blessing to be apart of such an awesome yoyo brand that makes, in my opinion, some of the best performing yo-yos I have ever had the privilege to throw. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an amazing yoyoer, but I can test out a design and see if a competition player would benefit from using it or not, and I truly enjoy this about throwing in general.

Now that I am married to the woman of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl, I just make videos and test as many Motion yo-yo products as I can and advertise as best as I can on Instagram and tik tok. And I’m comfortable getting back into extending my trick library! I also enjoy showing my music taste through my videos and creating a vibey clip that would make a yoyoer say “nice”. And that’s bf_throws in a lengthy nutshell!

And that’s pretty much how I got started!

If you could only have one yo-yo for the rest of your life what would it be?

Motion Yoyo Elevated

What trick are you working on currently and what is your all time favorite trick?

Currently working on ( a whole lot, but mostly) slap slack to double gt from wrist mount. Fav all time trick? Maybe a trick I call “workman’s comp” as it has a tower and a fun double gt reveal.

What’s the most meaningful yoyo you have in your collection?

I have had so many gifts in my collection, all of them could take this spot. Hard times have come frequently in my life, as it has for some many, and as a lot of my “fun money” has been tied up in yo-yos, some of those gifts have had to find new homes so bills can be paid. Mega guilt, but ultimately happy I got to try some really nice quality yo-yos. Like the something Anglam CC, the TP Solenoid, Hades, AsTer, some other TPs, Alchemik Ti models, as well as a few others!

Currently my most meaningfull yo-yo are my Motion Yo-yos, specifically my centrifugal. It kinda marks my first year with Motion YoYo as a brand and as part of their player team, and it really just means alot to me to have seen the design before it ever was sent to the machine shop for cutting. To see the process from start to finish and for it to be one objectively of the best yo-yos I’ve ever played, this yoyo just holds my heart for yoyoing.

What’s kind of things are you into outside of yo-yos?

I’ve always been a music guy. Never went to a lot of concerts, but I did chorus from 4th grade through senior year of HS. Almost did it in college to but chose football instead. I play guitar, usually just on my office alone, but I do play onstage for our church worship group, and me and a buddy are working on starting a metal core band. (Long ways to go). Now a days my time is taken up by my 1yo Daughter, Adalee. She’s the princess of this roost forsure!

What’s your “day” job?

Currently I work as a Medical Receptionist at Alaska Neurology Center, which is a remote position where I am allowed to take care of my baby while working, so long as I get my stuff done. So I’m a full time stay at home dad (that sucks at keeping the house clean) and work from home full time.

What’s your favorite restaurants and order?

Local restaurant called 49th state, meal called King Krabby Grilled Cheese. Is a thick filled crab and cheese grilled cheese with a cup of seafood chowder to dip in, with fries. So so so good, my fav. Not heart healthy at all :skull: as far as an option most people in the US have access to, gotta say the Buffalo chicken bacon ranch hot sub from Jersey Mikes is a fav forsure!

Favorite movie or TV show?

Movie… man that’s tough… maybe the incredibles or Alien Romulus.

Show? Either fresh prince, or that 70s show!

If there was one song that you say fits your mood and personality perfectly, what it be?

I have two very different tracks:

-Is there free breakfast here? By Hotel Ugly


-This Fire by Killswitch Engage


What’s your best yo-yo memory?

Honestly, Jeremy (owner of Motion Yo-yo) asking me to be apart of the team! Still think it’s undeserved, but I’ll take my blessings when I can! Also the time Sam Jennison came up and we met and yo-yoed together (never had anyone to yo-yo with before, no contests or clubs around me in my life ever)

What’s your yoyo bad habit?

Tbh, fully transparent, I got anger issues sometimes and if I’m trying to record a trick and can’t get it, more than likely I’ll snap my string like a twig over my knee… oops…

If you could wake up tomorrow and have any skill set from another player what would it be?

Gotta be Charles Haycock, that flow is nuts frfr.

What’s the most expensive or rare yoyo you have?

Most expensive I have currently is the Alchemik Yo-yos Protos, at maybe $369 a piece. Most rare? I have a 1of1 raw Motion Linear that I hold very very dear :heart:

If you never found yo-yo what would you be doing instead?

Would have a lot more guitar stuff, but I can’t imagine never finding yoyo :joy:

How has the community changed from what it used to be, and where do you think it will end up?

Well, this is tough for me to speak on as I’ve never really been part of the overall yo-yo community. Never had the opportunity to go to a contest, never had friends to throw with, just me in my room and YouTube and yye. So from what I could see, it seems the small companies were few and far between (not the brand lol). Now they’re everywhere! It’s been so cool to see all the designs and innovations over the years and to see Bimetals become more of a staple. I miss yoyojam. The tricks have gotten truly insane, I can’t and probably will never keep up. But looking at the community is always so inspiring, and it’s so cool to see it blow up more and more each year!

Advice/ words of wisdom to new players?

New players, Soak up every ounce of community you can! Go to contests if you’re able, get friends into and start a club, the more you invest in the community, the more the community will invest in you!

Also, make an instagram and post your tricks! Or YouTube! And don’t compare yourself to others, use them as inspo forsure, but don’t ask “why can’t I be like them?” Just get like them! Everyone’s path looks and feels different, don’t be discouraged! And if you hit a wall, take a break and come back later!

What do you want to tell the world?

Most importantly, Jesus saves; give thanks to our Lord. Also! Yoyoing is such an expressive hobby, and such a great tool to take your mind off the dumb stuff and keep you out of trouble when you’re young. Let’s get more people yoyoing! Also, follow my IG and Tiktok @bf_throws


Awesome. So happy your back. If you need anything let us know.


Thanks buddy!!!

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Yo thanks for Featuring @Bjorn_ofyoyo @Bobparty , I appreciate that a lot - super underrated player in my opinion and one of my best friends.